
The Chughtai Public Library welcomes gifts and donations that enrich and enhance existing collections or deserve consideration because of uniqueness, importance or intrinsic value. Your donation provides critical support for our community's priority needs: literacy, life-long learning, culture and creativity. Your donation will make a difference to all those who rely on us to learn, to be enriched, to understand technology and to connect to others in our quickly changing world.

The Library will consider donations that:

  • Fall within the scope of the Library’s collection and align with the learning and research areas.
  • Are in good physical condition.
  • Have no restrictions placed by the prospective donor on the disposition and use of the material offered.

Donation Appraisals

Each donation will be acknowledged by a letter signed by the Librarian or designate.

Prospective donors should direct inquiries to:

  • Contact the Library Administrations, about book donations to the library.